Heather's Last Day!

Heather is leaving tomorrow and we had a nice last dinner in Stanley (German food!)  It was great having her here and perfect timing!  Danielle arrives Friday, so I'm keeping really busy with visitors.  (If anyone wants to make it to Hong Kong- I'm free all of June...!)
Tomorrow begins my official 2 month count down!  I'm so lucky have had so many close friends and relatives visit me this year. Being away from home makes me appreciate all the people in my life more than ever. 

Cheung Chau Bun Festival

The biggest incense I've ever seen!

I've been hearing and reading about the bun festival on Cheung Chau Island since I got here and finally got to see part of the festivities!  We missed the part where people race to the top of the bun tower (it was at midnight Saturday night) so we got to see the aftermath of that today.  Today was basically the last day of the festival so we got to see the "Ceremony to send the deities on Cheung Chau back to their temples" which was really cool.  We followed the parade through the town and then had an delicious seafood lunch!  We even had some buns (filled with lotus paste- not my favorite).
Heather really couldn't have picked a better weekend to come to Hong Kong with all the events this weekend.  We also just got home from seeing the light show on the skyline- my fifth time going to that.  Tomorrow Heather is going to meet me in Stanley after work so she can do some shopping at the market and we can get some dinner there.  It's been hot here- a little too hot... and it's only getting started!

Happy Birthday Buddha!

Heather and I went to 10,000 Buddhas Temple today for Buddha's birthday.  It was packed and pretty cool to see the festivities.  The weather wasn't too bad either- even though it had called for thunderstorms.  We were the only westerners at the temple, which was interesting.  We got to see and hear a lot of chanting today, which is always really cool.  All in all, a successful day!

Fun Friday Field Trip

I just love this place!  We took the boys to Kadorie Farms today and they had a great time!  We checked out the gardens and the rescued animals.  We also bought house plants at the end and stole some tadpoles for our classroom (shhh!)
It was great to get the boys out of their house- I think they need to get out more!  It was a great way to end our "Plants Month".  May is "Insects and Life Cycles Month" so the tadpoles are going to be a lot of fun!


Love the mailboxes here!
 I'm excited about our field trip tomorrow and seeing Heather tomorrow!  Excited that it's almost May.  Excited that tomorrow is Friday....
April flew by!
It's starting to get pretty hot and humid here.  I have way too many sweatshirts and warm clothes and I need to start thinking about mailing some home. 
I'm finally reading The Hobbit for work and enjoying it 100 times more than Artemis Fowl.  I should of required the 12 year old to diversify earlier, but I also admired his ambition to read all 7 in the series.