Julia and Alex tie the knot!

Willie officated

The best wedding cake I've ever had!

Garette bar tending

My toast

Best Man Toast

Kristin's toast

First Dance to "Tiny Dancer"

And Willie's shirt ended up on the ceiling
What a wonderful wedding!  Julia and Alex got married at Volunteer Park in Capital Hill, followed by a reception at their friend Garette's house and an after party at Liberty on 15th.  It was a beautiful sunny day and it worked out really well to have 3 locations and it was fun to change the scenery.  Julia looked stunning and it was fun to get ready with her.  The happy couple is off to Mexico for their honeymoon right now.  I couldn't be happier for the two of them- they make an amazing couple!

Happy Sunday

Sushi is wishing everyone a relaxing Sunday.... We're just hanging out and recovering from a fun night last night at Julia and Alex's wedding!  Photos to come....

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!!

One of my favorite photos of my parents that I took with my first camera (?) on the side of the road

Happy Anniversary to my parents- I hope you have a wonderful day today!

Hannah's Garden

Hannah's garden is looking really good and I was enjoying my new camera last weekend so I took a bunch of photos.... She's got quite the green thumb!