Thanksgiving 2018

What a weekend it was! A successful Thanksgiving this year.  We hosted at our house and was happy to have Adam's dad here this year!  Avi really enjoyed the food and the other kids ate a lot of turkey and pumpkin bread!  We got a whole smoked turkey this year, which was delicious.  Had a great weekend with the Nickersons here and my parents took the 3 older ones overnight last night- which was a special treat for us all!  We also fit in a visit with Callie and Nuri Friday morning-

the kids table after dinner

Bellingham Visit

Mt. Vernon Co-op
Last weekend we took a weekend trip to Bellingham to visit Adam's relatives with Harry (Adam's mom's brother and his kids and grandkid).  It had been a long time since we had visited and I almost forgot how beautiful Bellingham is!  And we have perfect weather the whole weekend.  Adam's aunt and uncle own a charter business and dock their boat in Bellingham in the off season so we got to sleep on the boat- which is really quite an experience (we all slept great! even Avi slept through the night).  It was fun catching up and Isla enjoyed hanging out with Ira.  We also got to see Adam's cousin's pet store and fish tank manufacturing warehouse/business!

Salmon Spawning: McLane Creek

The viewing of salmon spawning at McLane Creek is pretty cool (we usually go to Kennedy Creek, but this was actually better)! We went once with Callie and her family and then again with Papa Harry (Adam's Dad) who is here visiting for 2 weeks!  Isla wasn't super interested, but the rest of us were! A fun Fall activity in the PNW!