International Pillow Fight Day

I read about this event in the Hong Kong Time Out magazine that I subscribe to and decided to check it out.   No, I did not bring a pillow, but I was moved by the grass roots enthusiasm of the whole thing!

Beach Clean Up

sound mapping

Angela and I planned a field trip to the beach to clean garbage today as a way to end our month of environmental awareness with the kids.   The garbage clean up was NOT a hit.  (Basically Angela and I cleaned up garbage while the kids found shells and sea glass and watched us).  I guess we forgot how not fun picking up garbage is.... especially in Hong Kong where we barely even made a dent in the amount of garbage at the beach!  However, I pulled out some of my old environmental education activities from back when I worked at camp- which were better received!
It's Friday and I'm thankful that I made it through a long week!

I just got home from seeing The Hunger Games.  I finished the book last week and thought the movie did it pretty good justice.  Better than I was expecting.


I'd be lying if I didn't say this week has been hard.  My trip home was too short and 3 more months seems daunting... I haven't allowed myself to feel homesick all year, which is pretty amazing, but this week it caught up with me. 


We tried a new "brain game" today that I brought back from the States.  It tested their chopstick skills- which are really good- but I'm catching up!

The total pillow

After enduring the flight between the US and Hong Kong 5 times now, I have to say that this pillow makes all the difference!  I've tried other airplane pillows in the past, but nothing compares to the support you get from this one.  If you have a long flight coming up, I recommend getting this pillow!  (Thanks Callie for the awesome birthday gift last year!)

Monday after spring break...

I did it.  It took 3 coffees but I made it through the day.  It was great to see the boys- they are such good kids and we all had a good day.  The weather has really warmed up around here.  I took a walk around Stanley after work and it was packed with tourists.  I'm going to try to stay awake as long as possible tonight to try to get back on schedule.  I woke up at 3am this morning and never got back to sleep.  Oh jet lag!

Back in Hong Kong

After almost 20 hours of traveling I am back in my apartment in Hong Kong.  I just got in and it's 9pm, perfect timing to go pass out- I have go back to work tomorrow.  Wish me luck with the jet lag!

Last day here!

Adam and I had a nice last day- went out for breakfast, took a walk around Capitol Lake and hung out in the backyard!

Adam and I made these last night and they turned out amazing- just like in Hong Kong!  We'll definitely be making more when I get home!  Today was my last day here... it was such a great trip and it's going to be hard to leave!  We even had a nice sunny day today. I miss having a big house (especially a big kitchen).  However, I have lots to look forward to in Hong Kong!  And the weather should be getting hot there soon.

Dress Shopping!

I went dress shopping with Hannah yesterday for wedding dresses!  It was a lot of fun and I think we may have found a winner!  I wish I could be here more to help Hannah with her wedding planning... it was great to see her and Seth and I couldn't be more happy for them both.  I'm working on planning a fun bachelorette weekend in September.

Snow Storm Portland

I spent the night in Portland last night and we had a snow storm!  It was snowing lightly when I arrived, but overnight it really stuck (the power even went out)!  I can't believe we're still getting snow in March!  Hannah lives at about 800 feet, so the rest of Portland was fine.

The Brotherhood

Just got home from drinks at the Brotherhood with Callie, Nuri and Jenny.  I can't wait for July when I'll be back in Olympia for good (and when the weather will be better)!  I have such amazing friends in this town- I feel so lucky to be able to call Olympia home.