September 2024

September! Back to school (Avi 1st, Isla 4th) and my 4th year at Olympia School District. 
It was also Adam and my 11th anniversary this month and I took the kids to Salem for the weekend and we got to do Enchanted Forest. 

Anniversary Dinner

hard to see- but there's a jellyfish congregation going on
And salmon running

Avi: "mom, mom, take my picture!"

Annual family photo

September Pride Festival in Salem 

Caleb's soccer game

Enchanted Forest 

Enjoying the fall weather- it's been spectacular 

brunch with old coworkers


1 comment:

  1. Mary Lou---looks like September was really busy!! How do you manage to fit all that in plus work/school!! Kids are all getting so big---like the day with boots and Pride Day looked very festive! Glad the cousins are able to get together so often!!


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