Happy Halloween!

Just hanging out with the kitten.  We're naming her "Sushi".  First trip to the vet tomorrow.  We had our 1 and only trick-or-treater come by earlier (the neighbor kid).  I feel bad for all the kiddos going out in this horrible weather tonight!

We have a kitten!!!!

Adam and I have been talking about getting a cat since I came home from Hong Kong.  I wanted to wait until after Hannah's wedding since we were so busy and finally we started looking a week or two ago.  I decided I wanted a calico or tortoiseshell and a female- turns out almost all calicos are female.  So we found this cutie on craigslist yesterday in Gig Harbor and went up after work and took her home.  She is adorable and we are in love.  Still playing around with name ideas (any suggestions?)  More pictures to come!

Pumpkin Carving

Callie and Nuri hosted a pumpkin carving party last night.  We had pumpkin soup, bread, mac and cheese and I made some awesome cookies.  Luckily the neighbor said we could have the 3 pumpkins growing in our yard so that worked out!  (Apparently he was just going to put an ad on craigslist and see if anyone wanted his pumpkins).  Good party, good food and good people (and an adorable baby too!)  Callie and Nuri got to do some practicing :)

How long will this wood last?

Adam thinks it's about a month and a half worth of wood- however, last year while I was in Hong Kong he only heated with wood and this year we will (and have been) be using the heat in addition.  I think this wood could last all winter... Anyways, it sure was a pain chopping and stacking it so I hope we can make it last!

Votes are in...

Keeping my fingers crossed. I sure hope the 4 people I know in Ohio are voting for Obama!

Meet Minnie

How cute is Jack and Maggie's new puppy?  We had a fun time having her stay at our house!  (I want a pet!)

Lattin's Farm (in the rain)

It was a rainy, muddy day at Lattin's on Saturday- but Jack, Maggie, Adam and I still managed to bring home some pumpkins, drink amazing hot cider and eat those crazy good warm apple fritters!


And this is how we dressed for the party...  Thanks Value Village for the amazing banana suits!

Candy Sushi

Adam and I made this fun rice crispy sushi for Greg and Sarah's Halloween party last night. I think it was a hit... We saw the idea online so we can't take credit for the idea.

View from the Roof

As you can see, the neighbor grew pumpkins, 3 of which (the biggest ones) ended up in our yard.  Before the leaves died off we thought we had scored! But now that the leaves are gone, it's just awkward..... what to do?

Adam just cleaned the chimney, so I took the opportunity to take some photos from a view point I don't normally get to see. 

Blackberry has a friend

See bunny above

one of the holes

So we have a wild bunny living in our yard!  I finally got a picture of him/her this morning, but it's been around for over a week.  It has been pooping right next to Blackberry's cage and sleeping on the furniture in the shed.  It has also dug a series of holes around the yard- under the shed, under the porch and even under the house... Blackberry seems excited when he's around and we're guessing it's a female sniffing out a mate?