Thankful #5

I am thankful for Sushi.  She brings us so much joy, love and entertainment!  I can't wait to have even more pets someday!

Thankful #4

For friends and family.  This year we will celebrating Thanksgiving with both- today with a gathering of friends at our house and tomorrow in Puyallup with family! 
(Also very very thankful the wedding is over, it went well and that the photos turned out beautiful!)

Thankful #3

I am thankful for my job.  Today when I went to work there was a new name plaque on my desk!  I would post a picture of some kids, but that is against confidentiality rules- however, my job is awesome.  Best job I've ever had.

Thankful #2

I am thankful for my wonderful husband.  Being married to him feels so right. 

Thankful #1

I am thankful to live in such a beautiful place.  We took a walk at Priest Point last night just before sunset.  Stunning.

Hanging out with Finn

This is Finn looking up at Adam

I got to babysit Finn again on Saturday and tuckered him right out...  He fell asleep in seconds!  He is so cute and walking all over the place! 

Weekend Fun!

Hannah came up this weekend and Jack and Maggie came down- so we threw a little pizza dinner party last night.  Hannah and also got to babysit Finn yesterday while Callie and Nuri deal with moving.  He was very good and even took a nap for an hour and half!  A great weekend to catch up with friends.
In other news- we had our inspection of the house we want to buy on Friday-  which went well.  There's quite a list of things that need to be (or should be rather) fixed, but it is about what we expected.  We still LOVE the house and are moving forward in the (long, scary, tedious) process!  Fingers still crossed. 


We did it!  Adam and I finished the last episode of Seinfield Sunday night.  We watched all 9 seasons (mostly in order) and I'm finally getting some of the everyday Seinfield references that I've been missing out on all these years.... Great show (weird ending).

Red House!

Exciting news!  Adam and I put an offer on a house on Wednesday and it was accepted!  I didn't want to jinx the process by posting photos until everything goes through (inspection, appraisal, financing, etc.) but we also wanted to share these photos we took with our families and this was the easiest way.  Can you tell I'm trying not to get too excited... because the truth is we're both SUPER excited that this house could be ours- we LOVE IT- and have always loved it (we've been driving past for 2 years).
Fingers crossed the rest of the process goes smoothly- and if it doesn't, well here are some pictures of a super awesome house!  The owner built it himself in 1939 and everything is personalized and custom made.