Guess what?

I'm pregnant!  

I'm pretty sure anyone who looks at this blog already knows, but I'm finally ready to make it blog-official!  I'm a little over 15 weeks and just had a good check up with my midwife this morning.  
My due date is May 13th and I'm starting to show, which means now I'm telling people at work.  We're pretty darn excited!

ultrasound from 9 weeks

transforming the nursery (was Adam's office...)
Rosemary (Brian and Laurel's little one) is lending us a whole lot of new born stuff!

Sushi actually stayed in this for about 5 minutes, she was totally interested!

Visiting Vashon

We finally made it out to Vashon Island this weekend to see Jack & Maggie and Jesse & Megan's new houses!  They both sold their houses and  bought houses on Vashon around the same month this Fall and they are all doing great!  Maggie is due in about 2 weeks- so I'm glad we got to see her when we did!  Ezra came with us and got along great with Jack & Maggie's dog Minnie.  It was also great to finally meet Oscar, Jesse & Megan's 6 month old baby!  Vashon is so gorgeous, I have to admit I'm jealous!  We also lucked out and had beautiful weather. Can't beat the view of Mt. Rainer from the ferry either!



Jack and Maggie's place

Side of the road farm stand

Jesse and Megan's place

November Sunshine....

Christmas Cactus Season

Some photos from this weekend and today.  Loving this sunny weather! (so is Ezra!)  Saw Callie and Jenny both for a bit yesterday and took Ezra for a nice walk this morning.  I had to work Saturday but after work some coworkers and I did a wine tasting event at the Hoodsport winery.  (Our boss had won it at an auction- but he didn't come).  The whole event was hilarious and awkward but hanging out with my coworkers is always fun- and it made for a good story.

Callie's house is blue!

Family Get Together

dinner prep

 We hosted a family dinner Saturday night with Hannah, Seth, Sadie and my parents.  Sadie is eating food and loving it now.  She is willing to try anything it seems!   She was all smiles and was in a great mood for the weekend.  We all can't get enough of her!