Weekend Fun!

We had a fun weekend!  Saturday a birthday party for my coworker's 2 year old!  Then we went to the Puyallup Fair on Sunday- Isla loved the animals and I had fun reminiscing about my 4-H days... It was such a warm fall weekend!

Tried to take photos at the Japanese Garden, but this one wouldn't really sit still 

Goodbye Summer

I just erased our Spring/Summer bucket list and am working on a Fall one... I see a lot of hot tub time in our future now that it's getting chilly at night.   We took our family picture last weekend, I'm trying to make it an annual thing (in front of the house).  Little Isla is just now waking up from a nice 3-hour nap and I was able to get SO MUCH done in 3 hours!  Let's hope this is the new trend!!

Camping!!! (Seaquest State Park)

What a fun and memorable time we had camping at Seaquest State Park with Hannah's family!  Adam and I rented a yurt that allowed dogs and Hannah's family did tent camping.  We lucked out with the weather!  The kids have so much fun together!