38 weeks pregnant

We're in the very final stretch before Avi comes!  I have an induction date of April 6th, so just a week left!  I have 2 more days of work and am done at the end of this week.  That way I can relax next week and spend some quality time with Isla before I get induced on Friday.  The final trimester has been a challenge and I'm really ready to be done!  I've been dealing with gestational diabetes (nightly insulin injections), not being able to eat any sugar/carbs/fruit, as well as a terrible pregnancy-rash called PUPPS which I managed to kick after a week and a half.  I've also had to go in to my doctor for twice a week non-stress tests and moved from the midwives to the OBs.  Policy is to induce a week early if you're on insulin so I seem to have moved into the "high risk" category.   This pregnancy has been so different from Isla's and I'm sure the birth will be too.   Looking forward to a full three months off for maternity leave and getting to meet Avi soon!!!

March for our lives Olympia

Last Saturday we joined the "March for our Lives" march at the capital.  A pretty good turn out and decent weather (although too much walking for me!).  On Sunday Jack and Lucy came for a visit- it was great to see them.  One more weekend before Avi comes!!! 

Sadie and Caleb's Birthdays

We got to celebrate Sadie and Caleb's birthdays last weekend in Portland at this fun indoor play gym called PDX Playdate.  The kids  had a blast!  It's hard to believe Sadie is 4 already!!! 

Isla in March

We're all so happy that it's starting to feel like spring!  Isla insisted on walking Ezra the other day on the trail (and Ezra did pretty well too). 

 Play date with Weston at Friendly Grove- Isla was super excited to eat Finn's lunch (since Finn didn't come)

On St. Patrick's Day we went to LBA park- which was having an Arbor Day celebration and had a live marching band!