Avi 5 Months!

This boy is 5 months old!!!  
He has found his toes!  He can blow raspberries, has been eating baby foods and moved to his OWN room (and is sleeping through the night)!  


We checked out a local very small, very under the radar music festival the 2nd weekend in September.  It was their 20th year and everyone seemed to know each other but we had a great time.  Lots of tie-dye! The music got better as the day went on and maybe next year we'll spend the night.  

Isla's Preschool

Isla started preschool 2 weeks ago and is loving it!  She loves her Teacher Abby and has no problem being dropped off!  (It's just 2 1/2 hours twice a week) So far so good!

Labor Day weekend fun

It was a great weekend!  Saturday Adam and Isla went kayaking and we did a bunch of yard work, Sunday I went to Seattle to visit my friends Julia and Alex who I hadn't seen in 2 years!  Sunday the kids and I hit up the Children's Museum and we had my parents over for dinner.  A nice way to end the summer.  Isla starts preschool this week! 


Adam scored a sweet kayak from  his client! There was barely enough room for Isla and Adam but they went out at Woodard Bay and had a great time.  Avi and walked the trail and took pictures :) Maybe I'll get a chance to try it out next! 

Battleground 2018

We pulled off our 4th year at Battleground State Park last weekend and it was a success!!  The weather could have been a tad warmer for swimming (we went anyways) but there was sun and very very little smoke  (phew) and the kids all played together really well!  We did 2 nights and came home dirty and tired but it was well worth all the packing and effort!  This year it was just us, the Nickerson and the Mathieus... a few other families backed out last minute but we had our same spots as the last 2 years so we're pros now!