Isla turns 5

bed tent for her birthday

I sort of can't believe Isla is FIVE!  Such a milestone!  Well she was spoiled this year- tons of gifts (she loved every single one of them), cake & ice cream, pinata full of candy, and a small celebration with my parents + zoom call with family. It's been a joy watching Isla grow up into a kind, silly, funny 5 year old! Also- she grew 4 inches in a year!  She keeps outgrowing clothes!

story time with Ms. Abbi who sang happy birthday to her

Mother's Day 2020

We had a great mother's day and celebrated at my parents house for brunch.  So great to spend time with them again!  I'm such a lucky mama!

Baby Chicks!

Back in March, we decided to get baby chicks (our 2 adult chicks stopped laying).  We picked up 12 babies from Lattin's and they've all be healthy and happy.  They started in the basement but are outside now and doing well!  It's been a fun project.  Now we wait and see how many roosters we got (it's about a 10% chance) and wait and wait for them to begin laying (Fall?)

Quarantine Update

We're still hanging in there- did some celebrating in May- Isla's birthday and Mother's Day.  Looks like I'm  back to working with clients June 1st, we are re-opening this week (but slowly and I can be remote for a couple of weeks).  Still thoroughly enjoying all this home time with my kids!  I think this is the summer of  biking (finally), Isla's getting the hang of her training wheel bike and balance bike and Avi's rocking his little balance  bike too.  Isla's also doing really great with a daily chore- including dishes!!