Taking a tree down

We had some major trees taken down a couple weeks ago.  One huge maple that was rotten in the middle and leaning towards the neighbor's house and a walnut that was shading out our berry garden.  Plus a bunch of substantial but smaller maples.  Now we have lots of wood to split and move, but our garden is happier!


Garden update

Having a good garden year!  Raspberries and blue berries are happy!  We getting zucchini, cucumbers, broccoli, peas, onions and plums so far! Can't wait for our tomatoes!!!

new pear trees planted this spring

More Local Adventures

I can't believe I've lived in Olympia for 14 (?) years and haven't walked the trails of LBA park before!  We didn't get very far, but explored a bunch of shelters some group had made. 

Made it back to Evergreen woods to splash around in the creek and got to see an owl!!!

Checked out Nisqually Reach beach at high tide- pretty rocky  but has potential 

Bike trip out to the Deschutes River (off the Western Chehalis Trail)

Birthday weekend

What a great weekend to turn 39!  Sadly (due to Covid) I didn't get to spend it with Hannah, but we made the best of a sunny weekend and did get some swimming in and a trip to Lattin's. Plus great take out dinner and cake from my mom!

deschutes river

Millersylvania State Park

Kid update

Isla had her first social distancing masked playdate with her best bud from preschool.  It went... ok.  Started out great, but Isla is clearly out of practice at socializing and sharing and not getting her way....so, we need more practice.  She also had a hard time with the mask.  But her friend did great and we'll keep trying!

Fixing Avi's broken seat

5 year old wellness check


this guy!