Today was my first day at work, although we were just setting up the classroom, not actually teaching. Angela is the best tour guide ever and I'm starting to get a sense of my neighborhood. She just showed me where the closest grocery store is.
I had my first adventure in communicating today. I was given a set of keys with 2 keys on it today and I assumed they were the same, so when I left the apartment this morning I just took 1 of the keys (apparently the wrong one). So my door wouldn't open when I returned.... Luckily there is a door man so I was able to gesture that my key wasn't working and he went up to see, then knocked on my neighbor's door who speaks English who was able to translate that I had left the "right" key in my apartment. Then he called a locksmith, who showed up 15 minutes later, and opened my door. However, I didn't have enough money to pay him, so I had to gesture to my debit card and run across the street for more money.
I feel like I was the evening entertainment for the apartment building, which is a great way to start a new impression- since I'm going to be living here for 10 months, but now I know my neighbor is nice and so is my doorman.
remember when we couldn't get our hotel keys to open hotel our in prague? then it turned out we were in the entirely wrong hotel...