10 reasons I love my Kindle

I've been thinking about Kindles a lot lately because the boys all just worked to "earn" them.  They had to have 20 "good" days at school before earning one.  They are all really excited about owning their own Kindle.  Also, being Christmas time, I wish had enough money to buy everyone a Kindle, but I don't.  But if you're looking for a good present idea- keep this in mind.

 1) It fits in my purse or backpack and it goes every where with me- I read on the bus, at the bus stop and on the subway

2) I am always reading 2 books at once, yet only need to carry 1 device.  I have to constantly keep up with the books that the 12 year old boy is reading and I also read my own books for pleasure

3) The battery lasts forever- or weeks!

4) I use the dictionary feature ALL the time to look up a word in the book I'm reading, you just scroll to the word and get a definition.  

5) No need to worry about what you're going to do if you finish a book (such as wanting to take a book to the beach, but it's almost done, and not wanting to bring 2 books)

6) It works as a "to read" list- I upload all the books I want to read (or free samples of them)  and then I never have to worry about what to read next.  It also acts as a "books I've read" list

7) Free Samples!  Amazon will let you download free samples (about the first chapter) of any book so you can decide if you want it, and keep in on your "to do" list without buying it! (Apparently you can also share books with other kindle users and get e-books from the library too,  but I'm not sure how)

8) The kindle was perfect for me for taking to Hong Kong- I didn't have to pack a bunch of heavy books

9) It is light and easy comfortable to use- especially in bed, no more heavy books that make it hard to get comfortable

10) I love the ink-screen.  It doesn't hurt your eyes at all and feels just like reading a book

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