Hannah's visit

Some crazy looking birds at the aviary

View from Victoria Peak.  We had to take the tram up the hill as it's a must-do tourist activity (and kind of scary)

Dropping Hannah off at the airport this morning. 
It was SO nice to have a visitor and I hope I have more (the invitation is wide open if anyone wants to see Hong Kong)!!!  Hong Kong is a good, safe and easy place to explore alone, and Hannah did a bunch of sight-seeing while I was at work.  The weather was perfect yesterday- about 70 degrees and sunny.  Hannah had a good time, although I still can't believe we were both sick most of the week.  I'll be coming home in less than 5 weeks for Christmas and I'm sure it will go by quickly.


  1. Hey, thanks for the bird photo - very cool pigeons. I'm so glad the visit went well.

  2. I am really enjoying your pictures - what a great adventure you are on. Fun Hannah could be there to share it with you.
