
I just have to brag a bit about my electric bill.  It is so cheap!  There's apparently a government subsidy which makes it cheaper, but even before that it's not much!  One month it was even $0.00!  (I should of taken a picture of that one).  This bill for electricity is a little over $13.00 US.  It's also my ONLY bill in Hong Kong (my employer pays for my cell phone and internet).  One more thing that's great about the electric bill- you can pay it at 7-11.  (And there's 7-11s on almost every block!)


  1. That's pretty amazing. What about the water, sewer and trash collection bills?

  2. I don't pay for any of those. But I did read an article about HK's garbage problems- because garbage is free and they are running out of space to put it. Plus recycling is hard to find. I have to walk to the park to recycle- and they don't recycle glass at all.


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