Camping Trip!

so glad I bought this tarp as a last minute thing the night before!  Angela and my tent wasn't actually a tent, it was a beach cabana and it didn't have a rain fly...

teacher coffee!

Camping was a hit!  I am so proud of these boys!  They were TROOPERS!  The first day was perfect.  We set up camp, swam, found clams- which we cooked up for dinner, had a fire and roasted marshmallows.  The boys were angels.  No complaining, great sports and they loved finding clams (lots of people were clamming there so we decided to do it too, we just had to dig around a bit with our hands).
Then in the middle of the night it started POURING- and a thunder storm rolled in.  We adjusted the boys' rain fly and got soaked.  Nobody slept very well.  It never stopped raining so in the morning we used garbage bags as raincoats and tried to stay dry as we cooked breakfast and broke down camp. Everyone got soaked to the bone.  Everyone ran out of dry clothes.  However, the boys stayed in good spirits and they all said they had a good time and liked camping.  Luckily it was warm so being wet wasn't the worst thing in the world,  but wet and sandy isn't the best feeling. 
The wild water buffalo that roam free on Lantau Island were also a hit.  We got to see them bathing in the mud and later in the night a herd of them strolled right through camp! 
Despite the rain, this camping trip was a major highlight of the year!  It was so great to be camping on a beautiful beach in the warm weather and to expose the boys to so many new things!  I'm so glad it's the weekend and that we were able to talk the mom into letting us camp during the week (originally we were going to take them on the weekend) so that we can have a few days to rest!
I hope the boys are going to remember this camping trip for the rest of their lives!


  1. It looked wonderful. So many smiles. You two deserve the teacher award of the week!

  2. What fun! Thanks for posting so many pictures--it almost felt like we were there. So glad the boys loved it!

  3. Just figured out how to publish my name : ) The previous comment was mine.

  4. Mom- we actually went to the campground you send me that article about! It was perfect. And FREE.

  5. Yay! So glad that worked out well. Love the pictures and I'm happy to hear everyone had fun.
