Hanging out in Seoul (part 1)

Susan's studio apartment

One awesome thing about Seoul: TONS of coffee shops!

Susan's birthday party

Karaoke Room!

birthday shots


yummy street food

Jumping in front of the old and new city halls
Seoul was really cool.  It was way more modern than I expected.  And the coffee!  There may have been more coffee shops available than Seattle- they LOVE coffee there- so that was great!  I arrived the day before Susan's 30th birthday so I was able to make it to her birthday party/dinner- started with pizza, moved on to karaoke, then went to a bar.  It was cool to see the night life of Seoul!


  1. I tried one of those bean-filled fish shaped things at sushi the other day. jen picked it. it was gross.

  2. Yeah- they are filled with red bean paste. I love beans, but do not agree that beans can be considered a dessert!
