The Cliffs Cookoff Competetion

The trophy for the winners

sunset walk to the lake

swimming break

starting the slow roasted pork

sous-vide beef

target practice

taco prep

Sean's beef suvee dish (amazing!)

the panel of judges

giant raindrops!

last  year's winner

and this year's winner!

Adam and I have been talking about this cooking camping trip for almost a year now!  We finally decided what to make and then we practiced- I made homemade corn tortillas and Adam was in charge of the slow cooked pork and pickled carrots.  It turned out really well and we actually came in first place- but only by 2 points, as the beef sous-vide was also really really amazing!  The judging is based on: taste, timeliness and presentation- and it is taken quite seriously.
It was a fun weekend and as the winners of the competition we are now in charge or organizing the event next year and being judges. 

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