1 month countdown

And the wedding-anxiety dreams are back.  Last night I had a dream where I was running around my own reception looking for garbage cans because everyone was piling trash all over our cheese tables and there were no garbage cans to be found!  Planning a wedding is stressful.  I constantly feel like I should be doing something at all times- but we are closing in on the details and things are coming together.  Our house is in a constant state of clutter.  As more and more RSVPs come in, I'm so touched by how many people are coming from far and near to be with us on our wedding weekend.
Today officially marks one month to go!


  1. Oh, wedding anxiety dreams—remember those. Hang in there! (And your table setting looks great!)

  2. If anyone starts piling trash on the cheese tables I will totally find the garbage cans for you!


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