Visiting CJ at Flagstaff Huts & Trails, Maine

 While we were visiting Adam's dad in North New Portland, we took 2 trips out to Flagstaff Lake to see Adam's cousin, CJ, who has been care taking for the "Maine Huts & Trails" hut right on the lake.  Maine has put together a system of (quite luxurious) huts that are all about 12 miles apart.  You can pay to sleep in them and have dinner or you can just visit them for free.  There are 4 huts already built and the plan is to build 12 total.  They are busy in the summer for hikers and in the winter for cross country skiers.  CJ is doing an awesome job and it was so much fun to see him. The first trip we took Adam's dad's boat up for the day and on the second trip we hiked in (Temma, Dave and Eamonn met us) and stayed in the night. Flagstaff lake is beautiful and empty- you can't see any houses or people while you're out there. 

I've never seen SO MANY lobster mushrooms in one place!  They seem to do well in Maine.

Beaver dam area

baby ducks (20 of them)

Best swimming in Maine, even though it wasn't hot out- the water was calm and warm

MOOSE!  We also saw a third moose from the car, but I didn't get a picture.  In all my years coming to Maine, this summer was my first (multiple) moose sighting

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