Quarantine Update

Today marks day 42 of quarantine.  I haven't  been to any stores at all (had everything delivered).  We've been on 2 walks on the trail, but even that is getting too busy with the nice weather.  We've been on some drives. We've had a few visitors who have maintained 6 feet distance and stayed outside.  Other than that, it's just lots of hanging out in the yard and inside.  The kids are getting used to the routine.  Isla is doing more chores.  Avi is rocking  the potty training this week! We're focused on our garden and have started a bunch of things from seeds.  The baby chicks are growing.  Lots of Zoom hang outs and today I will start my first telehealth session with a client. Having a hard time wrapping my head around what things will look like in 1, 2, 6 months from now.  

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