A rainy Sunday in Stanley

Adam and I had a good day in Stanley today (that's the town I work in).  We did some shopping at the Stanley Market and bought some art work.  Had a nice lunch and then came home and watched some Game of Thrones (I can't believe I'm enjoying this show).  It's been a rainy day and it's nice to stay in!


  1. Some of your photos today look fuzzy / pixely to me today, thought I'd let you know. We woke up to snow today!

  2. Game of Thrones is too intriguing not to like, whatever your genre preferences (it helps that it really is a human drama with a medieval/fantasy setting though). I would recommend Battlestar Galactica for the same reasons. Even though it seems like a science fiction show and it's set in space, it is really a human/military drama filled with intrigue and for the most part is light on the sci/fi (and doesn't have the excess violence/nudity of GoT). Regardless, keep posting pics! I'm loving your blog!


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