Adam leaves....

ferry ride to Cheung Chau
I won 3 of the 5 games of scrabble we played this month!!!

Riding the Star Ferry

Shek O Beach

Hanging out on the roof of the IFC mall...

...wearing Adam's sunglasses and enjoying some ginger and root beers!
Well, we got Adam to the airport today with little hassle.  We found out that you can check your bags up to 24 hours early at the IFC mall (near my house) so we dropped off his bag this morning and then were able to enjoy the rest of the day.  The apartment feels lonely without him already and I'm a little sad tonight.  It was wonderful having him here and I couldn't be happier about being engaged- which sort of makes it easier to be apart now. 

On a different note, I think I found my first couch surfers- a British couple in their 50's who are traveling the world via house sitting- and they arrive Friday.  I'm a little nervous about it, but my plan was to get involved in after Adam left so I can meet people and because I have a spare bedroom. I actually got 4 requests within a day- but I just responded to the first one. 

Also, I am coming home to Olympia for my spring break on March 16th.  Originally I had hoped to do some traveling or maybe fly Adam back out but as spring break got closer, the more I realized that the number one place I really wanted to go was home. It will be a short trip and I hope to see as many people as I can.  It made it easier saying goodbye to Adam knowing I'll be home in 6 weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Adam was telling us yesterday about all the people constantly posing for photos while making peace signs. He said you guys ended up doing a bunch of them too. You should post some up!
