Guest Post from Adam

 My 5 weeks in Hong Kong are coming to an end. I was fairly nervous about this trip, not being a city person and Hong Kong being one of the largest, but I have seen such beauty on this trip. What stands out the most has been all the amazing food. I have found two dishes in particular that I am gonna have a hard time living without. One being the BBQ pork that you can find in more than one shop on any given block, and the famous hand made noodle, shrimp wanton and beef soup that I have had 5 times since being here. I would love to say that could re-create these dishes at home but unfortunately I know it will be impossible.
       I love the little shrines that you can find everywhere here. People put them outside their house or places of business or up in the hills or deep in the woods. They can be as elaborate as an entire temple, or as simple as just a small dish to light incense in with some Chinese characters behind it.
       I have a strong proclivity to islands being that I am from one and our trips to three of the islands here have shown me some of the places in Hong Kong I could actually see myself living. Full of little shanty towns with thrown together structures and a much more carefree and slow-going attitude that you just can't find in the city.  This is a trip I will remember forever and I am so grateful that Beth has the desire to make our lives together an ever-evolving adventure. You never know what tomorrow will bring but you have to be willing to open yourself up to the world and let it take you to places you would never think of going.

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