Road Trip Part 2

Day 4-7: Estes Park/Rocky Mt. National Park
Day 7: Hays, Kansas (tiny cabin)
Day 8: Meremac State Park, Missouri (state park cabin)

We met up with my parents in Estes Park for 3 nights at a house they rented and spent 2 days in Rock Mt. National Park- Adam and I were there 11 years ago!  It was gorgeous and we saw elk, turkeys, marmots, etc. Kids enjoyed some of the Junior Ranger activities. Too

Driving to Kansas
Highlight of rental cabin in Kansas: fireflies! (not pictured)

roadside train museum 

Stayed in a cool state park cabin- park is known for it's caves, but we didn't have time to take a tour.  
Saw a skunk and lots of road kill armadillos.  


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