Spring Arts Walk

Niki Mcclure's new cat prints

Adam and I went downtown for Olympia's Friday Night Spring Arts Walk.  They have a "luminary procession" parade with lit up latern creations at night- which was very cool, but I wasn't able to get a good photo.  Arts Walk always makes me happy to be in Olympia- in a place so full of creativity and energy!

I also went up to Seattle on Saturday for a delicious Mexican lunch with Danielle!

Green House!

Adam built this awesome greenhouse!  I'll post more photos once we fill it up with plants :)

Portland Visit

We spend the day in Portland on Sunday: shopping, eating, shopping, drinking and then eating again.  Portland has such amazing food, stores and street art.  Betsy had never really seen the city so we did Powels downtown and then hung around the Hawthorne neighborhood.  We ended with a delicious and fancy dinner at at place called "Three doors down" where we met up with one of Temma's childhood friends and her husband who now live in Portland. 

Betsy's Visit

walking around the lake

Lunch with my parents
sampling BBQ food for the rehearsal dinner

taking a tour of Millersylvania

Visiting with family in Bellingham

We had a busy week with Adam's mom here!  We were able to do some wedding planning and projects, tour Millersylvania again, sample our BBQ menu for the rehearsal dinner, visit Portland and drive up to Bellingham to visit with family.  It was great to have Betsy here!

Walk around the lake with Callie and Finn

I LOVE that my schedule is flexible enough for me to have time during the week to hang out with these two!  Finn just turned 2 months and is getting cuter everyday!
This was the first time I hung out with Finn outside of the house and he did great!


A nice relaxing day: deep house clean, work in the garden, brunch at QB, steamer clams for dinner from the Olympia Farmer's Market (which just opened for the season, yay!), some wedding planning and hanging out with Sushi (who had to be rescued via ladder yesterday from a tree). 

Yesterday I hung out at a booth all day at Barnes and Nobles for an Autism Awareness event with a coworker.  It went pretty well and I got to meet some cute kids.  April is Autism Awareness month and I can't  help but think about how when I first started in this field (almost 9 years ago!) I had to explain what autism was over and over again.  We've come a long way in awareness, treatment and funding! 

The case of the dissapearing bulbs

Hannah dug this area in our front lawn a few months ago and planted some iris bulb (she had an excess of iris bulbs) then one day they were gone!  So we replaced them with more bulbs that Hannah had left in a different part of the yard and a couple days later.... gone again.  It can't be an animal because they were so meticulous picked out to get every last one without leaving a trace.  But who is up to this?  Our neighbors?  Some kids? The city?  Our landlord?
We are seriously stumped and a little freaked out.

Anniversary/Easter Trip to Ocean Shores

It was overcast when we arrived Friday afternoon

our hotel in the background

Woke up Saturday morning to this view!

picked out a kite at the kite shop

amazing breakfast- crab legs benny

Adam figuring out our new kite

pictures with the Easter Bunny at the local grocery store

loved the hotel heated pool!  It was almost always empty


enjoyed the sunset from our balcony with some bubbly

stopped by the nature preserve on our way home- outside of Hoaquim

This will be our last year to celebrate our "dating anniversary" (6 years this year) so we went out to the coast and completely LUCKED OUT with the weather!  One of the highlights was watching whales pass by from our balcony.  We ate good food, flew a kite and soaked in as much sun as we could.  It was a great weekend!