Summer time at home

It's the summer of staying home!  We've been enjoying the heck out of our yard/driveway/garden! Especially the kiddie pool on these hot afternoons!

our tree has cherries this year

Family Visit

We had an amazing 3 day visit from Hannah and her family last week.  Like many other people are doing, we decided since we've all been quarantining, now was the best time to get together BEFORE I go back to working with clients in person (which will be sometime this week).  The visit was bitter sweet because we don't know when we'll get a chance to visit again, but we all soaked up lots of baby time with Toby and the kids ran around like crazy.  My parents got to see all the kids and  Isla and Caleb had a sleep over the 2nd night.  We also had amazing weather!  It completely filled my heart to see them in person and I took lots of photos.