Week Two with Avi

Although the week is not quite over, we have been super busy enjoying this amazing weather.  We've been going to different playgrounds around Olympia and Isla is really liking kissing/touching/hugging her baby brother!  Super sweet! 

Avi's first week

Avi's first week was full of visitors!  He is a sleepy little guy and so far a mellow baby!  Hannah came for the weekend last weekend which was a lot of help.  Isla and Adam both caught colds but so far Avi and I are fine.  Nothing like worrying your 10 day old is going to catch a cold! Adam is going to need to get back to work soon so I'll be braving the 2-kid juggle next week!  

Welcome Avi!!!!

Phew! What a busy 10 days it has been!  Avi is here and healthy!!!  The birth went a little different than planned, but all that matters is that Avi and I are doing great and we're home learning how to be a family of four!  Adam and I went in for an induction on Saturday morning and Avi was born at 2:09am on Sunday (4/8/18) via c-section.  I labored and labored and labored but he wasn't progressing (despite getting fully dilated) and his heart rate was dropping with contractions so c-section it was... Recovery has been slower but not too bad.  Avi weighed 7 pounds 12 oz- (only a oz bigger than Isla- she was 7pounds 11 oz) after all the worry about him being too big!  We spent 3 nights at the hospital and had wonderful nurses.  Being home has been great and Isla is doing very well with her new "big sister" role!  Avi is a mellow baby and just wants to eat and sleep a lot!  We were super thankful that my parents live so close and were able to watch Isla while we were in hospital!

dropping Isla off at nana and papa's 

about to check in for induction 

one last belly shot

waiting for induction to kick in

prepping for surgery 

First cuddles