A Fall Weekend....

These are some pictures from last weekend.  Laurel hosted a pumpkin carving brunch, Jenny and I got breakfast and a nice walk around downtown and I took Isla to the pumpkin patch to claim our free pumpkin (I had a coupon, but I forgot it at home)... It was a surprisingly sunny weekend last weekend!  Callie and I also traded babysitting so Adam and I got a date night Sunday night!  (Back to the new Ramen place downtown- soooo good!)

did a little fall clean up and planting bulbs

Fog bubble machine!  So cool!

These little guys are only 1 day apart!  Maxwell and Finn- 5 months 

ginger molasses cookies

double rainbow


These kids had fun getting messy with paint!  Isla's first time with paint, she was a little unsure...

Salem Children's Museum

The Children's Museum in Salem is super cute.  It is 3 different historic houses with a really cool outside area (too bad it was rainy).  The kids had a great time!

Downtown Salem

Had a great time at the "Carousel Park" in downtown Salem and walking around a bit to get lunch and coffee.  I didn't get to see much of downtown so next time I'd like to explore it a bit more.  The kids were cute on the carousel (Isla was super into it, Sadie wouldn't go on a horse and Caleb was a bit nervous).  I'm sure we'll be back there soon!