Happy Halloween!

We got the cutest trick-or-treater this evening!!!!  (Probably our only one... sadly, although we have a bag of candy just in case)

Fall Weekend Getaway: Goldbar, WA

We had a wonderful weekend in Goldbar!  We rented this adorable cabin off vrbo and really enjoyed the hot tub with the river view.  Went on a great hike to Bridal Veil Falls and just relaxed at the cabin the rest of the weekend.

Saturday Walk at Nisquallly Wildlife Refuge

We thought we would celebrate the government re-opening by going to Nisqually (which was closed for the shut down).  For some reason or another the end of the board walk is always closed when Adam goes- he's been 3 times and it was closed again on Saturday....

Saturday Morning....

It was so foggy and dewy yesterday morning, I wanted to take some pictures.  The fog never lifted all day and it made it hard to tell what time it was all day.... And poor Sushi! She had an abscess on her tail and had to spend the night at the vet's last week and now she can't go outside until she's all healed (and she is SO mad about it).  A relaxing weekend....

Summer 2013 Highlights!

Jenny's bachelorette party in Manzanita

Julia and Alex get married!

Kristin and Sam get married!

Jenny and John get married!

Bachelorette party in Packwood (mine)

Getting married!

Staircase backpacking trip

Cook off competition

Eagle creek backpacking trip

Spider Lake Camp out
What an EPIC summer!  So many weddings, so many great camping trips and bachelorette parties!  I thought I'd put together some photos to remember the highlights of the summer.  Missing the sun right now!

Pumpkin Patch at Nisqually

Adam and I checked out the pumpkin patch in Nisqually last weekend (it was packed).  We got some doughnuts and got out of there without even a pumpkin.  I've always wanted to check out this farm since you can see if from the freeway.  They had a lot of activities for kids- including a pumpkin launcher.   I remember when going to the pumpkin patch was all about just plain picking out a pumpkin!