Seattle Visit

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This last weekend I had a cold and didn't leave the house, but the weekend before I had a great time in Seattle going to Maggie's baby shower and visiting Julia, Alex and Kristin!  I just took a few pictures of Julia and Alex's new apartment because it's pretty darn cute.  Their soap business (which has moved way beyond soap) is doing great.

Puppy Friends

Just some cute pictures of Ezra with her friends: Neko and Minnie!  Fun to have play dates at the house.

Fall Fun with Sadie!

Normally, I don't go for doughnuts but Fall put me in the mood for some fresh apple cider doughnuts, which we tracked down!

 On Saturday we took Sadie to her first pumpkin patch and then mushroom picking (she was a good sport for both). 

Portland Weekend

 Spent the weekend in Portland with Hannah, Seth and Sadie.  Sadie couldn't be cuter!  We had some nice weather and had a fun time mushroom picking and going to a pumpkin patch (pictures coming...) 

Hannah and Seth's Community Garden

Love these old Halloween Photos.  On the left: Hannah- witch, Beth- Annie.  ON the right: Seth (bumble bee) and his sister Jessie.

Sadie is eating solid foods (sort of)! 

I ordered Sadie this Halloween costume because it's adorable!  A little big, but super cute!

Sadie makes a great center piece!

Fall Mushroom Picking

 Callie, Nuri, Finn and I went out to Capital Forest last weekend mushroom picking.  We have a pretty reliable spot and found a decent amount of chanterelles.  We've been having such beautiful October weather- it was great to be outside in the woods!

Goodbye Chickens

We said goodbye to Penelope and Gertie this week.  My coworker lives on a farm with over 80 chickens and agreed to take them for us.  They both stopped laying and we didn't want to worry about keeping them warm over the winter.  We'll start fresh with a new flock of chicks this Spring!