Happy Friday!

We're off camping for the weekend (Isla's first camping trip!)... Here are some recent pictures of my cutie!

Thirty Four!

Well, Hannah and I turned 34 over the weekend.  We'll celebrating this coming weekend with a camping trip, but on my actual birthday we took Ezra and Sadie for a hike to the Evergreen Beach and then to a BBQ at Bryan and Laurels.  It was a cloudy day- which was kinda nice after all this warm weather we've been having. 

Lots of cheesecakes!

All the girls!  (Rosemary, Lorelei and Isla)

And celebrating with Mexican food with Callie and Jenny the next night!

2 Months!

And here's our 2 month photos!  She just had her 2 month appointment and is weighting 11 pounds 11 oz!  She has gained 3 pounds and 3 inches since her last appointment and is in the top percentile for height!  Looks like we're going to have a tall one!  She's healthy and doing great!

Hands On Children's Museum

While Hannah was here we took all the kids to the Children's Museum in Olympia and met up with Laurel and Rosemary!  It was a blast (for Sadie) although Caleb enjoyed the scenery, Isla slept in her carrier the whole time.  I'm sure we'll  be back before too long!  The 4 and under area was just perfect for the little ones and since we arrived right at opening time, it wasn't too crowded either.

Hannah, Sadie and Caleb come to visit!

Hannah and the kids came up earlier in the week for a night, so I could savor my last 2 days of maternity leave with some company (technically I was "working from home").  Sadie had a great time with all the animals (she knows all her animal sounds- super cute) and her  sign language has really taken off, as well as her actual words too!