Christmas 2014!

 What a good Christmas we all had! Sadie couldn't have been cuter and such a perfect age for actually enjoying her new toys!  We spent the morning at our house opening presents and having brunch and then headed to Carol & Kevin's for Christmas dinner.  Sadie had 4 different Christmas outfits so she had to have outfit changes for 2 days!

Christmas Eve

 Christmas Eve was so exciting since we had our ultra sound in the morning!  Afterwards we did some cleaning and cooking to get ready for having the family over for a Christmas Eve dinner.  I made french onion soup, salad and challah.  We got some more use out of our new folding table and I think it's working pretty well to set up a dinning room as needed (since our house does not have an actual dining room).  I tried pretty hard to get a photo of the pets under the tree together....

20 Week Ultra sound

Morning before ultra sound- at 20 weeks

 We had our 20 week ultra sound on Christmas Eve and found out we're having a girl!  The ultra sound was so much fun and we got to see her moving all over the place.  20 weeks is the halfway point so it's feeling more and more real.  Plus I have been feeling her kicking for the past 3 weeks pretty regularly.  Everything looks good but the technician couldn't tell us much, so we'll meet with our midwife in another week to go over the exam.  What a relief to finally know the sex!  (You have to wait so long!)



Christmas Lights!

We drove around Friday night looking for Christmas lights...   Can't believe Christmas is in 3 days! 

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

 We went to the annual Henn Family Christmas Party last night, decked out in ugly Christmas attire and toting along white elephant gifts.  Had a great time, ended up with some interesting gifts and met some new people!

Three finalist in the ugly sweater competition (Santa sweater won)

Babysitting Rosemary

Look at the cutie I got to babysit last Saturday.  She was so easy!  Looking forward to seeing her tomorrow night at the Henn's annual ugly-sweater Christmas Party!


 Yesterday marked the 1-year anniversary of buying our house!  Adam and I went out to dinner to celebrate all our hard work over the last year.  These are the projects we've accomplished in one year's time: removing all the carpet and re-finishing the hardwood floors downstairs, installing a washer and dryer, building a fence for the dog/chicken area, building a chicken coop, building the dog pen, tons of landscaping, pruning trees and bushes, clearing a trail down below and building bridges over the creek, painting the living room and hallway, fixing up the potting shed, replacing the breaker box in the shop, turning on the second well and most of the outside faucets, replacing the toilet, removing wallpaper from guest room and painting, replacing several light fixtures, prepping our garden area, clearing roofs that hadn't been cleared off in many years, and lots of lots of cleaning especially in the basement and shop.  We have many more projects to tackle and something tells me we'll be slowing down soon.  It's been an amazing year (one of the best) and being home owners is an amazing feeling!  (Thank goodness Adam is handy!)  We absolutely love our house and knew it was the one for us (and the ONLY house we even looked at when we started shopping).  We look forward to many more years to come!