Vashon Islan Day Trip

We had a great time visiting our friends on Vashon Island last weekend.  The weather was perfect for the beach!  Such a charming Island, so happy we have friends out there to visit and the kids are at the right age to run around together.

Spring sun

Our chickens are getting so big!   Adam moved them to the box in their coop last weekend and they settled right in!  Isla was enjoying the Japanese Garden downtown- which quickly filled up with high schoolers getting prom photos- Isla called them "princesses".  

Nisqually Wildlife Refuge

Nisqually has a little nature-playground area now!  Isla and I went last week in the morning and were the only people there.   Pretty cool! We saw a deer, woodpecker, snake, red winged black birds, swallows and bunch of other birds.

She said "Isla on the floor"

Isla's Second Birthday!

Isla turned two on Mother's Day this year!  We had a family brunch-party (monkey-themed) and it was was super fun.   Isla's a lucky little girl who has so many people wonderful people in her life!  Adam's mom and her husband came for the week to visit.  We also had a BBQ the night before with everyone.  Hannah baked a delicious "pink cake" and Isla enjoyed opening presents!  A great way to spend Mother's Day!

BBQ dinner 

dance moves

birders in training